We’re proud to announce the launch of our new calendar search functionality. Modeled after the options search engine, the calendar search makes it easy for investors to identify optimal calendar spread opportunities based on an underlying, a timeframe, and a price target range.

In addition, you can also use a variety of filters to zero in on the near and far legs based on expiration ranges, delta requirements, and strikes. There are also net Greek filters so that you can zero in on trades that meet specific criteria.

This launch also includes several key updates to the trade analyzer, including support for analyzing any trade on an expiration at or before the earliest-dated option leg. While the book manager provides the ultimate flexibility for modeling trades and complex strategies, this addition to the trade analyzer makes it easier to evaluate prospective trades before merging them into existing books.

Check out a video walkthrough of the calendar search on YouTube.
Learn more about trading calendar option strategies with Quantcha.