Our stock screener is the first screener to cater exclusively to options investors. We focus on helping you find candidate stocks based on the key data you care about, including volatility valuations and option analytics, as well as upcoming earnings and dividend metrics. You can learn more here.
We offer option trade screeners that cover a dozen popular strategies, including covered calls, secured puts, straddles, strangles, butterflies, condors, and more. You can filter and sort results against the universe of available options across all US stocks and expirations. You can learn more here.
We have invested a ton in helping options investors solve common problems through innovative research. Whether using our Quantcha Volatility Rating™, Quantcha Earnings Crush Rate™, or Quantcha Option Liquidity Rating™, you'll find that we make it easier to filter and sort data on a global level than anyone else. You can learn more here.